
Human!Karkat X Reader : RomCom's And Rollerskates

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RomCom's & RollerSkates
Human!Karkat x Reader
(( This story does have swearing in it. Considering this is Karkat we're loving on and it's also me in general!~ I do not own Homestuck or it's characters! They belong to the Lord Andrew Hussie! And if you don't like rollerskates, suck it up!~))

(Your POV)

My (eye color) eyes looked down the steep hill in uncertainty before looking back over at two of my closest friends, Lauren (Me!~) and Rence (Male me!~).

"Are you sure we won't get hurt going down this? I mean it'll be funnier than hell, but I don't want to spend the celebration in a hospital getting treated for some sort of ridiculous injury." I ask Lauren, who was preparing her long board as her twin with matching sea-ish green eyes stood with his skateboard.

Lauren was dressed in black jeans tucked into steel-toed boots, a gray tank-top, and a checkered scarf wrapped snug around her slim neck with some of her long, brown hair tucked into it. Rence was posed with his black skateboard under his arm as he wore slightly torn jeans partially covering his dark red converse, a white singlet, and a blood-red beanie with some of his fluffy brown hair fanning out.

Myself, (F.Name.) (L.Name), had on a pair of (pattern/color) skinny jeans with skates on my feet and (type of boots) slung on my shoulders, a (color) tank, and (darker color) jacket covering my (skin color) skin as a black helmet with goggles placed on it sort-of covered my (lenght/color) hair. Lauren turned to me with a scowl on her face and then a smile that measured to a chesire cat's own grin.

"(Name)!" Lauren laughed as she tied a long rope from her brothers waist to her long board. "This, is the epitome of awesomeness and we cannot miss out on this ride! I'm not forcing you to do it with us, but it would be amazing for all of us to do it together!" Rence gave a small chuckle and shuffled Lauren's hair to which she proceeded to growl at her brother who stood over half a foot taller than her. He simply smiled and patted her head before strolling over to me with the rope trailing behind him.

"You don't have to do it (Name)~" Rence said as he threw an arm around me in a friendly half-hug. I gave a soft smile as I shrugged off his arm and adjusted my helmet some more.

"No, screw it, I'm going to do it!" I heard Lauren give a cheer of victory as I placed my (color) tinted lenses goggles over my determined (eye color) eyes.

"Alright! ((~^.^~)) Now, listen up (Name)~ ((~^3^~))" Lauren and Rence spoke with broad smiles. "Me and Rence are going to go down first, Rence technically first then pulling me by the rope I have my board hitched to! And then you may go since we will be able to clear the way as we go down~" I nodded my head in agreement as Rence placed his skateboard down before putting his foot on it "Ready sis?~" Lauren sat down on the base of her long board. "Hell's yeah!" Rence pushed off and they began their descent down the hill with them screaming a mighty: "OUT OF THE WAY BITCHES!!!" I chuckled and secured my goggles as I went racing over the edge.

Trees, bushes, people and sidewalk rushed past me as I gave a whoot of excitement and then laughter as I watched Lauren stomp her feet down on the sidewalk, making her and her brother go tumbling onto grass at a sharp corner. I, however, expertly cut the corner until I was met with a flash of black and grey before I collided with something and was falling on my arms and chest.

"Oww..." I groaned as I rubbed my head and then my arm, which really stung.

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING FUCK ASS!?" I heard a voice growl. I looked over to my best friend, and crush, Karkat Vantas. His raven black hair, which stood out against his pale skin, was in it's usual disorder as his strange red eyes glared at me angrily but also sort of worriedly. "WELL!?" I pulled off my goggles and rubbed my eyes with the heel of my not-so-aching hand.

"I was going down the hill, that's all." I grumbled as I looked about myself and then discovered why my arm was hurting so bad. It wasn't broken, but it was cut up and bleeding from sliding on the cement sidewalk. "Damn it."

"WELL NICE GOING DUMBASS." Karkat stood, dusting himself off before going over to my aid and helping me stand. "COME ON." He said as he handed me my discarded boots and dragged me behind him on my skates.

"H-hang on a sec!" I protested as I tried to dig my heels into the ground but failing horridly however due to the fact that I don't have normal shoes on which would work better. "I need to check on Lauren and Rence!"

"Don't worry! We're fine~" I hear as I turn to see the now bruised and dirtied twins with grass stains and leaves on their body. Lauren smiled and waved as she remained seated on her long board as her brother's broad laid in her lap and he pulled her along by the rope still tied to his waist. "You go have fun with Karkitty!~" They cheered, racing off.

"GOG DAMN IT, I FUCKING HATE NEPETA FOR MAKING THAT DAMN NICKNAME, AND EVERYONE FOR FUCKING INFORCING IT." He grumbled and proceeded pulling me along as I sighed in defeat.

It wasn't that I didn't want to hang out with him, but I've just really become uncomfortable with trying not to seem like a total fucking idiot around him. And this recent mishap, he probably really thinks I'm so fucking stupid now. I inwardly groan at my stupidity for ramming, not running, ramming, into him.

"Sorry for slamming into you back there Karkat." Mentally I replaced 'slamming' with my new word 'ramming'. I looked up at Karkat as I trailed behind him, skates gliding me slowly along the ground.

"IT DOESN'T MATTER." He huffed with a roll of his eyes. "HOW'S YOUR STUPID ARM FEELING?" I looked at my arm which had mostly had some dried blood.

"Feels fine, but I should get it cleaned soon." I said with a slight pout when I looked over the rest of my body. My news pants was now giving a 'distressed' look after scooting along the ground, and my jacket now had blood on the sleeves. "This is just great.." I murmur to myself. I see Karkat turn to look at me, but then he shakes his head and continues looking forward.

"WHY DID YOU EVEN WANT TO GO DOWN THAT STUPID FUCKING HILL ANYWAY?" He askes me while he continues to drag/roll me along my arm.

"Because, like all my other awesome adventures, it seemed like a lot of fun." I say as I stare at the back of his wild hair. "And you gotta take chances at life you know? Before you loose the moment of your life, you jump the fuck in and you ride the tidal wave!"

"YEAH, YEAH." He said as we stopped in front of his house and let go of my arm. "YOU SHOULD BE LUCKY THAT KANKRI ISN'T FUCKING HERE RIGHT NOW OR HE'D GIVE YOU THE LECTURE OF THE FUCKING CENTURY WITH WHAT YOU PULLED." I scratched the nape of my neck as I though about Kanny's reaction. Kankri was a mix of protective older brother and overbearing mother to me.

"LET'S GET IN AND GET YOUR ARM CLEAN (NAME)." He said as he walked up the two small steps leading up to the front door of his decently sized house. When I took one step on the stairs my wheeled-feet slid and I lost my balance I would have fallen more had it not been for Karkat reaching out and grabbing the uninjured arm. "AND TAKE THOES GOG DAMN SKATES OFF BEFORE YOU BREAK YOUR NECK!"

I meekly nodded my head as he lowered me to the ground and I stripped my feet of the heavy skating shoes. My feet felt so much lighter as I stood and took a step forward, successfully not falling. I gave a chuckle at Karkat before he rolled his eyes at me. I joined him in front of the door as he pulled a key out from his pants, unlocking the doorknob and deadbolt before opening the door. Taking my skates and boots, I dropped them off with the giant hoard of shoes by the front door that Karkat also added his to. He then seized my arm again and dragged me into the living room where Rom-coms littered the floor. There were so many, I couldn't believe it! Karkat pulled me over to the cushiony couch before he shoved me down to sit on it.

"WAIT HERE FUCK-ASS." Karkat grumbled as he worked his way around his DVD's to the kitchen, where I heard his muttering and swearing softly as things were being moved around. A gentle smile spreads across my face. I don't even know why I was ever so worried about having to tell him. And now that I think about it, it's quite silly to get so worked up over it.

I swung my feet as I waited patiently on the couch while I looked around the room. My eyes fell upon an old picture of me and Karkitty when we were kids. I picked it up and I looked at it closer. Karkat in a small gray sweater and black shorts stood with his little arms crossed and a displeased pout on his face while I stood next to him with a small (color) sundress and my (hair color) hair in braided pigtails and a large smile that was missing a tooth. I smiled fondly at the picture and held it close to me. 'Man... I'm getting really tired..." I think as my eyes start to lull closed.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING." Karkat's voice cuts through my foggy mind. I jump in the seat and set the picture back down.

"I was waiting for you Karkitty!" He growled as I smiled at him holding a First-AID kit.

"I SAID STOP CALLING ME THAT! IT'S CHILDISH AND STUPID!" I smirk at him as he kneels down in front of me and opens the case, pulling out gauze, band-aids and cleaning solution with puff balls.

"Really? I think it sounds adorable!" I giggle to him. He rolls his eyes and mutters something about 'WHATEVER YOU SAY, FUCK-ASS.'

He pops open the cleaning solution and pours some of it on a cotton ball and begins to swab of the blood surrounding the wound before going directly at it. The cold of it makes goosebumps rise on my skin and the smell makes my nose itch and head spin only a little bit. I slowly start to relax as he cleans away the blood. But suddenly pain shoots through my arm as the third clean cotton ball makes contact with the scrape. I let out a surprised and pained yelp as I try to jerk my arm away, but it's held firm by Karkat.

"CALM DOWN (NAME)! IT'LL BE OVER IT A BIT!" He growls as I whimper and nod my head in pain. I can see that he is trying to be as gentle as possible with me, but my arm doesn't think so and continues to throb painfully. He keeps muttering things to me as I only stare at his eyes which are locked onto my arm. The way he concentrates to a task, it's so mesmerizing, it's inspiring. His eyes glance up at my face which is warming with a blush and his starts to take on a blush of it's own. "WHAT?"

"I-it's nothing Karkat. You just look so focused on getting all of it cleaned." He gives me a 'Are you stupid look'.

"OF COURSE (NAME), I NEED TO BE FOCUSED, OR ELSE YOU COULD GET INFECTED OR SICK." He says as he starts to put gauze over the scrape and puts a couple large band-aids on it. I give him a stupid smile as he eyes me questioningly. "WHAT?..."

"You really care about me, huh, Karkat?" I smile and pull him into a hug, causing him to become a large, blushing ball of nerves. I quiet his swearing before I manage to get out: "Let's watch a rom-com Karkat!" His freak-out stops at 'rom-com'.

"Y-YEAH, SURE, WHATEVER." He mutter with a red blush still on his face. He shuffles through his stacks of movies until he finds the one that me, Lauren and Rence all love: Moulin Rouge.

He pops it into the DVD player and it begins to read the disc as he turns on the TV. I go and shut off the living room lights as he closes the curtain for the window behind the couch. Karkat sits down next to me as I settle down closer to him and flop my head on his shoulder. He gives me a huff but makes no move to take me off his shoulder. I smile broadly and nuzzle more into his neck. I can feel his eyes on me as I loop my arm around his.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING (NAME)?..." I plant a kiss against the side of his neck and feel him go rigid.

"I love you Karkat Vantas." I smile at him and nuzzle into him more. A large blush envelopes his face before he hesitantly wraps his arms around me, worried I might change my mind. But when I don't, he in turn hugs me close

"I LOVE YOU TOO, (NAME) -FUCK-ASS- (LAST NAME)." He kisses the top of my head and nuzzles along with me.
© 2015 - 2024 KissingMoonlitTears
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Nerukimi-the-Absol's avatar
There are plenty of other insults Karkat uses other than fuckass... but still, this was awesome.